Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination Requirement

Texas law requires all college students under the age of 22 to be vaccinated against bacterial meningitis or provide an exemption request declining the vaccine. Senate Bill 1107 amends the Texas law, requiring proof of vaccination at least 10 days prior to attending class. Class registration is blocked for LSC students until compliance with the bacterial meningitis vaccination requirement is documented as complete.

Refer to the bacterial meningitis vaccination compliance website for more information on submitting your documentation.

Proof of compliance is REQUIRED if any of the following apply:

You are EXEMPT from the requirement if any of the following apply:

Even if you are exempt from the bacterial meningitis vaccination, you are strongly encouraged to obtain the vaccination before registering at Lone Star College.

About Bacterial Meningitis

Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. For more information on the disease and general guidelines for reducing your risk, see the following resources:
