Leases and Rental Agreements

For apartment searching advice, check out Cal Rentals. Once you find a place to live, you will go through some or all of the steps below before you move in.

Step 1 : “Holding” Deposit

Once you find a potential apartment, the landlord may request a “holding deposit” to ensure the landlord will not rent the unit to anyone else. Before paying this fee, find out how and when it will be applied and what will happen if you change your mind. If the landlord rents the apartment to someone else, you are entitled to your holding deposit and any other costs that you have incurred.

Step 2 : Credit Check/Application Fee

As of late 2023, a landlord can charge you up to $63.70 to check your references and credit, which is an amount adjusted annually based on the increase in California’s Consumer Price Index. (California Civil Code Section 1950.6 and California Dept. of Industrial Relations CPI data)

Step 3 : Security Deposit

Once you decide to rent a unit, the landlord will probably require a security deposit. According to Civil Code Section 1950.5, a security deposit cannot be deemed “non-refundable.” Other important information to know about your security deposit: