statements of truth: template wording (witness statements, particulars of claim)

Statements of case (such as particulars of claim and defences) and witness statements must be verified by a statement of truth.

They’re not just a formality that the person signing the statement of case or witness statement has to sign a statement of truth.

Any document that is endorsed with a statement of truth is a serious statement to make.

You could call it a solemn declaration of truth, with legal consequences if it's not the truth.

Changes have recently been made to the template wording of statements of truth.

They’re not just words. The wording is intended to bring home the seriousness of what is said in the document to be signed.

Legal Statements of Truth

The underlying purpose of statements of truth is to require the person signing it to:

The new wording of statements of truth (from 6 April 2020) has been made due for reasons that include:

  1. the fundamental importance that courts place on statements of truth
  2. the increasing laxity of documents verified with the old format of statement of truth
  3. the increased danger that false evidence and allegations of fact bring to the outcome of legal cases, and
  4. the interference with the proper administration of justice that false statements of truth brings: it undermines the integrity of the legal system.

So it’s important that those signing statement of truth know exactly what a statement of truth is and the legal effect that it has.

Particulars of Claim: Statement of Truth

The same rules which apply to statements of truth for particulars of claim apply to other statements of case as well. They include:

For the purposes of signing statements of case, there are two possibilities. Different formats apply depending on whether the litigant – the party to the case is:

  1. an individual: when the litigant is an individual - aka a natural person or a human being, or
  2. an incorporated entity: the litigant is a company, limited liability partnership or other form of incorporated entity

Here are some examples.

Statement of Truth Templates


In the case of an individual who is the claimant, the format of the statement of truth is:

I believe that the facts stated in this [Title of Statement of Case] are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth.


[Name of the Claimant] or
[The Claimant’s Litigation Friend, [insert name] ] [date]

Companies and Incorporated Entities

When the claimant to litigation is a company or incorporated entity, a person authorised to sign it must sign the statement of truth on behalf of the party to the litigation as follows:

The Claimant believes that the facts stated in this [Title of Statement of Case] are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth.


[Full Name of the Claimant] or
[The Claimant’s Litigation Friend, [insert name] ] for and on behalf of the Claimant


Why the difference?

Obviously, a company or other incorporated entity can’t sign a witness statement. An incorporated legal entity is a legal fiction: it only exists in law, not in reality. You can't physically touch a company.

An individual must sign for the company or on its behalf.

Courts want to be able to identify the individual who endorsed the truth of the statement of case or application notice, even if it is signed for a company.

Defence Statements of Truth

The defence statement of truth has the same format as for the particulars of claim, because a defence is also a statement of case. Rather than say “Particulars of Claim” in the space allocated for the document title, it would say “Defence”, and in the space for signing, the person would be named as "The Defendant" when signing as an individual and "for and on behalf of the Defendant" if signing on behalf of a company.

Statement of Truth Example: Witness Statements

In witness statements, the format of the new template wording of the statement of truth is:

I believe that the facts stated in this witness statement are true. I understand that proceedings for contempt of court may be brought against anyone who makes, or causes to be made, a false statement in a document verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth.


[Name of Witness] [date]

Wording of Statements of Truth

The wording of statements of truth does not mean that the deponent is saying that what is said is actually God’s own truth.

The statement of truth requires the deponent to endorse the document that: