Prescott College

Prescott College offers a unique college experience. Undergraduate programs at Prescott College are designed similarly to most graduate programs at other schools. Class sizes are small and emphasis is put on discussion and projects rather than tests and grades. The college offers incredible opportunities to study in Kino Bay, Mexico and in Kenya. This school is ideal for a student who is seeking a small college experience with outstanding faculty, particularly in the fields of education, environmental . Read More studies, psychology and counseling, and social justice.

Clare R Sullivan

Degree: Human Services

I participated in Prescott College's Limited Residency Bachelor's Program majoring in Human Development. Prescott has some of the most supportive staff members I have ever experienced at a college and were very hands-on and helpful along the way. I had attended numerous other colleges before trying Prescott and many of my courses from my previous schools were able to be transferred in helping me continue on my way towards my Bachelor's.