Learning professionals are finding success applying game-based sensibilities to the development of instruction. This is the first book to show how to design online instruction that leverages the best elements of online games to increase learning, retention, and application. It explains how to match different game strategies to types of learning content for the right learning outcome and discusses how gamification techniques can be used in a variety of settings to improve learning, retention and application of knowledge. Supported by peer-reviewed studies and examples from corporations who have adopted game-based learning successfully, the book illustrates how combining instructional design thinking with game concepts can create engaged and interactive learning experiences across a variety of media, from online to face-to-face.
Pfeffer W, Fuchs T, Greifenstein L and Heuer U Codes and Ciphers: A Digital Escape Room for Secondary Schools (Practical Report) Proceedings of the 19th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research, (1-6)
Iversen N, Ernstsen M, Iversen O, Iivari N, Kinnula M, Sharma S and Eriksson E "We are in this together": Supporting Neurodiverse Children in Participatory Design through Design Partnering Proceedings of the 23rd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, (732-737)
Bratu M, Muntean C, Buică-Belciu C, Stan S and Muntean G (2024). Impact of NEWTON Technology-Enhanced Learning Solutions on Knowledge Acquisition in Pilots Involving Students With Hearing Impairments, IEEE Transactions on Education , 67 :3 , (472-482), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2024 .
Zomerplaag S and Bakkes S An Exploratory Study on Gender Dysphoria & Character Customisation Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-12)
Holly M, Habich L and Pirker J GameDevDojo - An Educational Game for Teaching Game Development Concepts Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-9)
Steenstra I, Murali P, Perkins R, Joseph N, Paasche-Orlow M and Bickmore T Engaging and Entertaining Adolescents in Health Education Using LLM-Generated Fantasy Narrative Games and Virtual Agents Extended Abstracts of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-8)
Yang Y, Shin A, Kim N, Woo H, Chung J and Song J Find the Bot!: Gamifying Facial Emotion Recognition for Both Human Training and Machine Learning Data Collection Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-20)
Hadan H, Zhang-Kennedy L, Nacke L and Mäkelä V (2024). Gamification and Gaming in Cryptocurrency Education, Simulation and Gaming , 55 :2 , (196-223), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2024 .
Mangaroska K, Larssen K, Amundsen A, Vesin B and Giannakos M Understanding engagement through game learning analytics and design elements: Insights from a word game case study Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference, (305-315)
Cattoni A, Anderle F, Venuti P and Pasqualotto A (2024). How to improve reading and writing skills in primary schools, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction , 39 :C , Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024 .
Weng C, Tran K, Yang C, Huang H and Chen H (2024). Can an augmented reality-integrated gamification approach enhance vocational high school students' learning outcomes and motivation in an electronics course?, Education and Information Technologies , 29 :4 , (4025-4053), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2024 .
Nordby A, Vibeto H, Mobbs S and Sverdrup H (2024). System Thinking in Gamification, SN Computer Science , 5 :3 , Online publication date: 28-Feb-2024 .
Ren J, Xu W and Liu Z (2024). The Impact of Educational Games on Learning Outcomes, International Journal of Game-Based Learning , 14 :1 , (1-25), Online publication date: 7-Feb-2024 .
Vallarino M, Iacono S, Bellanti E and Vercelli G (2024). A Flipped Remote Lab: Using a Peer-Assessment Tool for Learning 3-D Modeling, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 17 , (1140-1154), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2024 .
Helvich J, Novak L, Mikoska P and Hubalovsky S (2023). A Systematic Review of Gamification and Its Assessment in EFL Teaching, International Journal of Computer-Assisted Language Learning and Teaching , 13 :1 , (1-21), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023 .
Salehi A, Mohammadi H, Jenabi E, Khanlarzadeh E and Ashtari K (2023). Quality of Evidence and Pedagogical Strategy in Using Gamification in Medical Education Literature, Simulation and Gaming , 54 :6 , (598-620), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2023 .
Kamarulzaman L and Abdul Mutalib N Gamification: KAHOOT in Enhancing ESL Learners’ Performance and Motivation to Learn Grammar Proceedings of the International Conference on Advancing and Redesigning Education 2023, (558-561)
Rojas-Salazar A and Haahr M The CLG Framework: A Methodical Approach to Designing Educational Video Games Proceedings of the 18th Latin American Conference on Learning Technologies (LACLO 2023), (254-270)
Rocha I and Silveira M An analysis of gamification elements in mHealth applications Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-10)
Tu J, Grinberg A, Hancock M and Nacke L Multimedia Showdown: A Comparative Analysis of Audio, Video, and Avatar-Based Communication Companion Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, (89-95)
Khosrawi-Rad B, Borchers A, Grogorick L and Robra-Bissantz S Design Principles for Gamified Pedagogical Conversational Agents Proceedings of the 26th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, (67-82)
Velázquez-García L, Cedillo-Hernández A and Cendejas-Castro E Gamification in higher education: learning computer science with an escape room Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, (72-77)
Tonhão S, Shigenaga M, Herculani J, Medeiros A, Amaral A, Silva W, Colanzi T and Steinmacher I Gamification in Software Engineering Education: a Tertiary Study Proceedings of the XXXVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, (358-367)
Bjørner T Using EEG data as Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment in a serious game about the plastic pollution in the oceans Proceedings of the 2023 ACM Conference on Information Technology for Social Good, (6-15)
He H, Cheng X, Li Z and Tan Q Gamified Participatory Exhibition Design Research for Future Museums Design, User Experience, and Usability, (74-87)
Hening Darmasti A, Pinkwart N and Zender R User Experience Evaluation in Virtual Reality for Autism: A Systematic Literature Review Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction, (546-568)
Kiron N, Omar M and Vassileva J Powergaming by Spamming in a Learning Game Learning and Collaboration Technologies, (538-550)
Schulte S Patterns to improve user experience with gamification Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, (1-8)
Magkafa D, Watkins D, George A and Mills C Involving Children in the Design of Gamified Law-Related Tests Proceedings of the 22nd Annual ACM Interaction Design and Children Conference, (454-458)
Hu S, Mallawaarachchi C and Karunathilaka M Second Language Learning, Literacy and Mobile Learning: Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Frontiers of Educational Technologies, (13-17)
Vargas-Murillo A, Pari-Bedoya I and Guevara-Soto F Virtual gamification strategies and their impact on legal education experiences: a systematic review Proceedings of the 2023 8th International Conference on Distance Education and Learning, (85-90)
Mohamed A, Zohiar M and Ismail I Metaverse and Virtual Environment to Improve Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Students’ Learning Augmented Intelligence and Intelligent Tutoring Systems, (576-587)
Zhang L, Shao Z, Benitez J and Zhang R (2023). How to improve user engagement and retention in mobile payment, Decision Support Systems , 168 :C , Online publication date: 1-May-2023 .
Bolat Y and Taş N (2023). A meta-analysis on the effect of gamified-assessment tools’ on academic achievement in formal educational settings, Education and Information Technologies , 28 :5 , (5011-5039), Online publication date: 1-May-2023 .
Bizzi L (2023). Why to gamify performance management? Consequences of user engagement in gamification, Information and Management , 60 :3 , Online publication date: 1-Apr-2023 .
Murillo-Zamorano L, López-Sánchez J, López-Rey M and Bueno-Muñoz C (2023). Gamification in higher education, Computers & Education , 194 :C , Online publication date: 1-Mar-2023 .
Yang H, Liu Y, Ma M, Bai X, Liu R and Dai H Gamification Teaching Design and Application in the Context of Blended Learning: Proceedings of the 2023 14th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning, (150-156)
Melchor-Ferrer E and Davia-Rodriguez M (2023). Computer games and the study of terminology: An application to national accounts, Education and Information Technologies , 28 :1 , (135-153), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2023 .
Vallorani C, Gibert I and Tuffnell C (2022). Levelling Up Language Learning, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning , 14 :4 , (1-17), Online publication date: 16-Dec-2022 .
Philpott A and Son J (2022). Leaderboards in an EFL course, Computers & Education , 190 :C , Online publication date: 1-Dec-2022 .
Moreira G, Reinehr S, Malucelli A and Van Amstel F ProTesters: a board game for teaching the testing process Proceedings of the XXI Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, (1-9)
Hart S, Halak B and Sassone V (2022). CIST, Computers and Security , 122 :C , Online publication date: 1-Nov-2022 .
Cao C, Zhao X and Hopfgartner F Enhancing Chinese International Students’ Motivation and Engagement in a STEM Subject in UK Higher Education: A Case of Gamification in Programming Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education Technology and Computers, (6-11)
González-González C Unplugged Gamification: Towards a Definition Proceedings TEEM 2022: Tenth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (642-649)
Bräuer P and Mazarakis A (2022). “Alexa, can we design gamification without a screen?” - Implementing cooperative and competitive audio-gamification for intelligent virtual assistants, Computers in Human Behavior , 135 :C , Online publication date: 1-Oct-2022 .
Lee K Designing an Intelligent Learning System For Practicing the Oboe Embouchure Adjunct Proceedings of the 2022 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and the 2022 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, (278-283)
Legaki N, Thibault M and Hamari J Gamified Educational Software for Data Literacy - A Research Through Design Approach to GANDALF Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-4)
Jogo D, Challco G, Bittencourt I, Reis M, Silva L and Isotani S (2022). Investigating how gamified syllabic literacy impacts learning, flow and inappropriate behaviors, International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction , 33 :C , Online publication date: 1-Sep-2022 .
Tran Thi Minh T and Duong Hong N The Role of Games in Online Courses at Vietnamese Public Universities Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, (311-317)
Balci S, Secaur J and Morris B (2022). Comparing the effectiveness of badges and leaderboards on academic performance and motivation of students in fully versus partially gamified online physics classes, Education and Information Technologies , 27 :6 , (8669-8704), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2022 .
Sica L, Ponticorvo M and Di Fuccio R Creativity, Learning and Technology in MOOC: The DoCENT Approach Between Teaching and Gaming Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. User and Context Diversity, (123-141)
Huang W, Li X and Shang J Gamified Project-Based Learning: A Systematic Review Blended Learning: Engaging Students in the New Normal Era, (313-324)
Chan S and Lo N (2022). Teachers’ and Students’ Perception of Gamification in Online Tertiary Education Classrooms During the Pandemic, SN Computer Science , 3 :3 , Online publication date: 1-May-2022 .
Fu Y, Hu Y and Sundstedt V (2022). A Systematic Literature Review of Virtual, Augmented, and Mixed Reality Game Applications in Healthcare, ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare , 3 :2 , (1-27), Online publication date: 30-Apr-2022 .
Rodrigues L, Toda A, Oliveira W, Palomino P, Vassileva J and Isotani S (2022). Automating Gamification Personalization to the User and Beyond, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 15 :2 , (199-212), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2022 .
Joaquim S, Bittencourt I, de Amorim Silva R, Espinheira P and Reis M (2022). What to do and what to avoid on the use of gamified intelligent tutor system for low-income students, Education and Information Technologies , 27 :2 , (2677-2694), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2022 .
Najjar N, Stubler A, Ramaprasad H, Lipford H and Wilson D Evaluating Students' Perceptions of Online Learning with 2-D Virtual Spaces Proceedings of the 53rd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education - Volume 1, (112-118)
Reyssier S, Hallifax S, Serna A, Marty J, Simonian S and Lavoué E (2022). The Impact of Game Elements on Learner Motivation: Influence of Initial Motivation and Player Profile, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 15 :1 , (42-54), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2022 .
Mystakidis S (2022). Combat Tanking in Education, International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations , 13 :4 , (1-20), Online publication date: 31-Jan-2022 .
Delnevo G, Ceccarini C, Salomoni P and Prandi C Gamification of a University-level Web Technologies course: a five years experience 2022 IEEE 19th Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), (88-93)
Ghawail E and Yahia S (2022). Using the E-Learning Gamification Tool Kahoot! to Learn Chemistry Principles in the Classroom, Procedia Computer Science , 207 :C , (2667-2676), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022 .
Hosseini C, Humlung O, Fagerstrøm A and Haddara M (2022). An experimental study on the effects of gamification on task performance, Procedia Computer Science , 196 :C , (999-1006), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022 .
Leitão R, Maguire M, Turner S and Guimarães L (2022). A systematic evaluation of game elements effects on students’ motivation, Education and Information Technologies , 27 :1 , (1081-1103), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2022 .
Zhang L, Shao Z, Li X and Feng Y (2021). Gamification and online impulse buying, International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals , 61 :C , Online publication date: 1-Dec-2021 .
Chen Y Board Game and Family Involvement Motivate Target Language Learning Innovative Technologies and Learning, (343-351)
Hennings C, Ahmad M and Lohan K Real-Time Adaptive Game to Reduce Cognitive Load Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, (342-347)
Mohamad M, Azhar Zulkafli S and Saibon J The Preliminary of an Interactive Mobile Learning Platform for Cyberbullying Knowledge Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Education and E-Learning, (28-33)
O’Connor S, Hasshu S, Bielby J, Colreavy-Donnelly S, Kuhn S, Caraffini F and Smith R (2021). SCIPS, Information Sciences: an International Journal , 580 :C , (524-540), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2021 .
Tian C, Olivier N, Zhang Y, Gao J and Hu Z Research on A Serious Game for Simulation of National Grid Operation Proceedings of the 2021 10th International Conference on Computing and Pattern Recognition, (247-251)
Erdogmus E, Ryherd E, Diefes-Dux H and Armwood-Gordon C Use of Virtual Reality to Improve Engagement and Self-Efficacy in Architectural Engineering Disciplines 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-7)
Milechin L and Mullen J Teaching HPC Concepts with Serious Games 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-5)
Rodrigues L, Palomino P, Toda A, Klock A, Oliveira W, Avila-Santos A, Gasparini I and Isotani S (2021). Personalization Improves Gamification, Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction , 5 :CHI PLAY , (1-25), Online publication date: 5-Oct-2021 .
Denden M, Tlili A, Essalmi F, Jemni M, Chen N and Burgos D (2021). Effects of gender and personality differences on students’ perception of game design elements in educational gamification, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , 154 :C , Online publication date: 1-Oct-2021 .
Castro V and Santos A Evaluation of the application of gamification in the discipline of Software Engineering in times of pandemic Proceedings of the XXXV Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering, (163-169)
Luo Z, Brown C and O’Steen B (2021). Factors contributing to teachers’ acceptance intention of gamified learning tools in secondary schools: An exploratory study, Education and Information Technologies , 26 :5 , (6337-6363), Online publication date: 1-Sep-2021 .
Arhippainen L and Alavesa P Karelian Language and Culture: a Qualitative User Study of Mobile and Web Games 2021 IEEE Conference on Games (CoG), (1-8)
Donnermann M, Lein M, Messingschlager T, Riedmann A, Schaper P, Steinhaeusser S and Lugrin B (2021). Social robots and gamification for technology supported learning, Computers in Human Behavior , 121 :C , Online publication date: 1-Aug-2021 .
Valencia K, Rusu C and Botella F A Preliminary Methodology to Evaluate the User Experience for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Social Computing and Social Media: Experience Design and Social Network Analysis , (538-547)
Xiang Y, Wang J, Fa J, Gu N and Lo C Disseminating Intangible Cultural Heritage Through Gamified Learning Experiences and Service Design Cross-Cultural Design. Applications in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Autonomous Vehicles, and Intelligent Agents, (116-128)
Talavera-Mendoza F, Rey Cayro Mamani A and Alberto Deza Veliz D Analysis of Player User Experience with Learning Objects in a Gamified Educational Platform: Mathematical Case Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Education and Multimedia Technology, (253-259)
Kaban A (2021). Gamified E-Reading Experiences and Their Impact on Reading Comprehension and Attitude in EFL Classes, International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning , 13 :3 , (1-20), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2021 .
García-Jurado A, Torres-Jiménez M, Leal-Rodríguez A and Castro-González P (2021). Does gamification engage users in online shopping?, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications , 48 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jul-2021 .
Palmquist A ‘Gamification was not the problem’ Proceedings of the 24th International Academic Mindtrek Conference, (106-116)
Schmeier B, Kopetz J, Kordts B and Jochems N Manipulating Virtual Objects in Augmented Reality Using a New Ball-Shaped Input Device 12th Augmented Human International Conference, (1-8)
Thi Van Pham A and Duy Nguyen L Students’ Perceptions of Gamification: A Case Study in Business Courses at an Institution of Higher Education 2021 3rd International Conference on Modern Educational Technology, (120-124)
Morales-Trujillo M and García-Mireles G (2020). Gamification and SQL, ACM Transactions on Computing Education , 21 :1 , (1-29), Online publication date: 31-Mar-2021 .
Milczarski P, Podlaski K, Hłobaż A, Dowdall S, Stawska Z and O'Reilly D Soft Skills Development in Computer Science Students via Multinational and Multidisciplinary GameDev Project Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (583-589)
Ivanochko O, Gregus M, Szałek M, Roliński J and Stoliński B (2021). City Tourism Services with Mobile Geolocation Sharing, Procedia Computer Science , 191 :C , (49-56), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2021 .
Andrade P, Law E, Farah J and Gillet D Evaluating the Effects of Introducing Three Gamification Elements in STEM Educational Software for Secondary Schools Proceedings of the 32nd Australian Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (220-232)
Valle P, Vilela R and Hernandes E Does Gamification Improve the Training of Software Testers? A Preliminary Study from the Industry Perspective✱ Proceedings of the XIX Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, (1-10)
Khowaja K and Salim S (2019). A framework to design vocabulary-based serious games for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), Universal Access in the Information Society , 19 :4 , (739-781), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2020 .
Nousiainen T, Vesisenaho M, Ahlstrom E, Peltonen M, Fort S and Gómez S Gamifying Teacher Students’ Learning Platform Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (688-693)
Ismail M and Klischewski R BP-IT Alignment in SMEs: A Game-Based Learning Approach to Increase Stakeholders’ Maturity Business Process Management, (400-416)
Sik-Lanyi C Serious and Fun Games Computers Helping People with Special Needs, (199-204)Alaghbari S, Mitschick A, Blichmann G, Voigt M and Dachselt R Achiever or explorer? Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2020, (173-181)
Ng K, Lai I and Ng K Online Gamified Learning Platforms (OGLPs) for Participatory Learning Blended Learning. Education in a Smart Learning Environment, (49-60)
Chimalakonda S and Nori K (2020). A family of software product lines in educational technologies, Computing , 102 :8 , (1765-1792), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2020 .
Vale Costa L and Veloso A Gameful Tale-Telling and Place-Making from Tourists’ Generation to Generation: A Review Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Healthy and Active Aging, (661-672)
Ren P, Qian Z and Sohn J Learn to Cook for Yourself: Employing Gamification in a Recipe App Design to Promote a Healthy Living Experience to Young Generation HCI in Games, (458-470)
Valencia K, Rusu V, Jamet E, Zúñiga C, Garrido E, Rusu C and Quiñones D Technology-Based Social Skills Learning for People with Autism Spectrum Disorder Social Computing and Social Media. Participation, User Experience, Consumer Experience, and Applications of Social Computing, (598-615)
Tenório K, Dermeval D, Monteiro M, Peixoto A and Pedro A Raising Teachers Empowerment in Gamification Design of Adaptive Learning Systems: A Qualitative Research Artificial Intelligence in Education, (524-536)
Shahri A, Hosseini M, Taylor J, Stefanidis A, Phalp K and Ali R (2019). Engineering digital motivation in businesses: a modelling and analysis framework, Requirements Engineering , 25 :2 , (153-184), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2020 .
Ofosu-Ampong K, Boateng R, Anning-Dorson T and Kolog E (2019). Are we ready for Gamification? An exploratory analysis in a developing country, Education and Information Technologies , 25 :3 , (1723-1742), Online publication date: 1-May-2020 .
Silva R, Rodrigues R and Leal C (2019). Gamification in management education - A literature mapping, Education and Information Technologies , 25 :3 , (1803-1835), Online publication date: 1-May-2020 .
Ding L, Bawany M, Kuriyan A, Ramchandran R, Wykoff C and Sharma G (2020). A Novel Deep Learning Pipeline for Retinal Vessel Detection In Fluorescein Angiography, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing , 29 , (6561-6573), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020 .
García I, Pacheco C, León A and Calvo-Manzano J (2020). A serious game for teaching the fundamentals of ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148 systems and software engineering – Lifecycle processes – Requirements engineering at undergraduate level, Computer Standards & Interfaces , 67 :C , Online publication date: 1-Jan-2020 .
Fernando O, Kannappan V, Tan X, Hong J, Chattopadhyay A and Seah H La Petite Fee Cosmo Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, (1-9)
Seyderhelm A, Blackmore K and Nesbitt K Towards Cognitive Adaptive Serious Games: A Conceptual Framework Entertainment Computing and Serious Games, (331-338)
Hallifax S, Serna A, Marty J, Lavoué G and Lavoué E Factors to Consider for Tailored Gamification Proceedings of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play, (559-572)
Rincón-Flores E, Montoya M and Mena J Engaging MOOC through gamification Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (600-606)
Bahrini M, Volkmar G, Schmutte J, Wenig N, Sohr K and Malaka R Make my Phone Secure! Proceedings of Mensch und Computer 2019, (299-308)
Nawahdah M and Ihmouda W Implementing a Serious Game to Improve Communication and Social Skills for Children with Autism Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, (202-211)
Thamrongrat P and Law E Design and Evaluation of an Augmented Reality App for Learning Geometric Shapes in 3D Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019, (364-385)
Zhao R, Shelton C, Hetzel-Riggin M, LaRiccia J, Louchart G, Meanor A and Risser H Knowledge assessment Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-7)
Cho A, Tsaasan A and Steinkuehler C The building blocks of an educational esports league Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-11)
Moreira F, Ferreira M, Pereira C, Gomes A, Collazos C and Escudero D (2019). ECLECTIC as a learning ecosystem for higher education disruption, Universal Access in the Information Society , 18 :3 , (615-631), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2019 .
Miranda J, Teofilo V, Lins A, Oliveira B, Campos F and Nesteriuk S Literature Review: The Use of Games as a Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Healthcare Applications, (512-531)
Garone P and Nesteriuk S Gamification and Learning: A Comparative Study of Design Frameworks Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management. Healthcare Applications, (473-487)
Diefenbach S and Müssig A (2019). Counterproductive effects of gamification, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , 127 :C , (190-210), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019 .
Orhan Göksün D and Gürsoy G (2019). Comparing success and engagement in gamified learning experiences via Kahoot and Quizizz, Computers & Education , 135 :C , (15-29), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2019 .
Muñoz-Carpio J, Cowling M and Birt J Piloting Experiential Learning through 360° Video and 3d Printing to Improve System Modelling Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Teaching and Learning, (23-28)
Hosseini H, Hartt M and Mostafapour M (2019). Learning IS Child’s Play, ACM Transactions on Computing Education , 19 :3 , (1-18), Online publication date: 28-Jun-2019 .
Xi N and Hamari J (2022). Does gamification satisfy needs? A study on the relationship between gamification features and intrinsic need satisfaction, International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals , 46 :C , (210-221), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019 .
Toda A, do Carmo R, da Silva A, Bittencourt I and Isotani S (2022). An approach for planning and deploying gamification concepts with social networks within educational contexts, International Journal of Information Management: The Journal for Information Professionals , 46 :C , (294-303), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2019 .
Camilleri A and Camilleri M Mobile Learning via Educational Apps Proceedings of the 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Training Technologies, (88-92)
Padirayon L The Designed Gamification Application Architecture and Elements for a C# Programming Course Proceedings of the 2019 4th International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing, (67-72)
Gennari R, Melonio A and Rizvi M (2019). Turn taking with turn-talk in group, Multimedia Tools and Applications , 78 :10 , (13461-13487), Online publication date: 1-May-2019 .
Knutas A, Roy R, Hynninen T, Granato M, Kasurinen J and Ikonen J (2019). A process for designing algorithm-based personalized gamification, Multimedia Tools and Applications , 78 :10 , (13593-13612), Online publication date: 1-May-2019 .
Arya A, Gold S, Farber M and Miklasz K GGJ-Next Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events 2019, (1-4)
Cruz C and Palaoag T An empirical study of gamified learning application engagement to exceptional learners Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Informatics, Environment, Energy and Applications, (263-267)
Chen L, Baird A and Straub D (2019). Why do participants continue to contribute? Evaluation of usefulness voting and commenting motivational affordances within an online knowledge community, Decision Support Systems , 118 :C , (21-32), Online publication date: 1-Mar-2019 .
de Pontes R, Guerrero D and de Figueiredo J Analyzing Gamification Impact on a Mastery Learning Introductory Programming Course Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (400-406)
Watson S and Richter Lipford H Motivating Students Beyond Course Requirements with a Serious Game Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (211-217)
Eugenio F and Ocampo A Assessing Classcraft as an Effective Gamification App based on Behaviorism Learning Theory Proceedings of the 2019 8th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications, (325-329)
Rahmah M and Aishah Z Effectiveness of kinect-based application in gamification approach for preschooler Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on E-Education, E-Business, E-Management and E-Learning, (124-129)
Alexander C (2019). Using Gamification Strategies to Cultivate and Measure Professional Educator Dispositions, International Journal of Game-Based Learning , 9 :1 , (15-29), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2019 .
Forzoni L, Buffagni C and Guercini S Educational Marketing Strategic Approach in a Diagnostic Imaging Company Proceedings of the 2018 International Conference on Education Technology Management, (28-32)
Kadel R, Halder S, Paudel K and Gurung M Analyzing Effect of GBL on Student Engagement and Academic Performance in Computer Networking Course Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services, (143-145)
Kayal A, Brinkman W, Neerincx M and Riemsdijk M (2018). Automatic Resolution of Normative Conflicts in Supportive Technology Based on User Values, ACM Transactions on Internet Technology , 18 :4 , (1-21), Online publication date: 19-Nov-2018 .
Izquierdo-Álvarez V, Lahuerta-Otero E and Cordero-Gutiérrez R Kahoot, win the learning race Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (737-741)
Moreira G and dos Santos Marques A Evaluating the students' experience with the Scrum Card Game Proceedings of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Software Quality, (344-353)
Leung E and Pluskwik E Special Session: Learning and Practice of Engineering Fundamental Principles for Long-Term Retention 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-4)
de Pontes R, Medeiros K, Guerrero D and de Figueiredo J Analyzing the Impact of Leaderboards in Introductory Programming Courses’ Short-Length Activities 2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-9)
Delello J, Hawley H, McWhorter R, Gipson C and Deal B (2018). Gamifying Education, International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies , 13 :4 , (17-33), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018 .
Facey-Shaw L, Specht M, van Rosmalen P, Brner D and Bartley-Bryan J (2018). Educational Functions and Design of Badge Systems: A Conceptual Literature Review, IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies , 11 :4 , (536-544), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018 .
Subhash S and Cudney E (2018). Gamified learning in higher education, Computers in Human Behavior , 87 :C , (192-206), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2018 .
Romano M, Díaz P and Aedo I A gamified platform for civic engagement in early warning Proceedings of the XIX International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-8)
Ng J, Tham S, Chew C, Lee A and Tay S MedSense: The Development of a Gamified Learning Platform for Undergraduate Medical Education Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning, (600-604)
Azevedo O, de Morais F and Jaques P Exploring Gamification to Prevent Gaming the System and Help Refusal in Tutoring Systems Lifelong Technology-Enhanced Learning, (231-244)
Jin N, Chen Z and Wang J Users’ Stickiness to English Vocabulary Learning APPs in China Emerging Technologies for Education, (218-226)
Mavromoustakos-Blom P, Bakkes S and Spronck P Personalized crisis management training on a tablet Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, (1-10)
Imlig-Iten N and Petko D (2018). Comparing Serious Games and Educational Simulations, Simulation and Gaming , 49 :4 , (401-422), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018 .
Garcia-Sanjuan F, Jurdi S, Jaen J and Nacher V (2018). Evaluating a tactile and a tangible multi-tablet gamified quiz system for collaborative learning in primary education, Computers & Education , 123 :C , (65-84), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018 .
Covaci A, Ghinea G, Lin C, Huang S and Shih J (2018). Multisensory games-based learning - lessons learnt from olfactory enhancement of a digital board game, Multimedia Tools and Applications , 77 :16 , (21245-21263), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2018 .
Rojas-López A and Rincón-Flores E Gamification as Learning Scenario in Programming Course of Higher Education Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Learning and Teaching, (200-210)
Johns J, Hayes A, Grant L and Caldwell D Classroom Gamification: Merging Game Design Theory and Behavior Analysis for Increased Engagement Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Learning and Teaching, (150-163)
Fernández Robin C, McCoy S and Yáñez D Learning in Marketing Simulation Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Learning and Teaching, (141-149)
Calvo X, Fonseca D, Sánchez-Sepúlveda M, Amo D, Llorca J and Redondo E Programming Virtual Interactions for Gamified Educational Proposes of Urban Spaces Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Learning and Teaching, (128-140)
Toole A, Spiller A, Caro K and Marcu G Designing Gamification Technology for and with Students with Behavioral Disorders Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, (285-289)
Alhammad M and Moreno A What is going on in agile gamification? Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Agile Software Development: Companion, (1-4)
Di Nunzio G, Maistro M and Vezzani F A Gamified Approach to Naïve Bayes Classification Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, (1139-1146)
Martin R, Basinet K, Rosenblum J, Schwartz A and Klein A Gamification of DSP: Electronic vs Pen-and-Paper 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (6448-6452)
Klock A, Ogawa A, Gasparini I and Pimenta M Does gamification matter? Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (2006-2012)
Halloluwa T, Vyas D, Usoof H and Hewagamage K (2018). Gamification for development, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing , 22 :2 , (391-407), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2018 .
Gestwicki P Design and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Course on Software Development Practices Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, (221-226)
Barrios J, Becerra D, Páucar F and Mendoza F Matelogic Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, (61-65)
Casañ G, Cervera E and Pennock G (2018). The Experience of the Robot Programming Network Initiative, Journal of Robotics , 2018 , Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018 .
Aldemir T, Celik B and Kaplan G (2018). A qualitative investigation of student perceptions of game elements in a gamified course, Computers in Human Behavior , 78 :C , (235-254), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2018 .
Padilla J, Lynch C, Kavak H, Evett S, Nelson D, Carson C and Villar J Storytelling and simulation creation Proceedings of the 2017 Winter Simulation Conference, (1-12)
Ding L, Kim C and Orey M (2017). Studies of student engagement in gamified online discussions, Computers & Education , 115 :C , (126-142), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2017 .
Pickrell M, van den Hoven E and Bongers B Exploring in-hospital rehabilitation exercises for stroke patients Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, (228-237)
Martin R and Klein A Improved student independence through competitive tinkering 2017 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-8)
Seaborn K, Fels D, Bajko R and Hodson J (2017). Gamifying the Media Classroom, International Journal of Game-Based Learning , 7 :4 , (22-49), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2017 .
Glowatz M, Mangina E and Holland D Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality Technology Based Simulations in Higher Education Proceedings of the 10th EAI International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques, (72-76)
Naeem U, Islam S, Sharif M, Sudakov S and Azam M Taskification Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, (631-634)
Adukaite A, van Zyl I, Er e and Cantoni L (2017). Teacher perceptions on the use of digital gamified learning in tourism education, Computers & Education , 111 :C , (172-190), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2017 .
Harrington B and Chaudhry A TrAcademic Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, (347-352)
Blasquez I and Leblanc H Specification by Example for Educational Purposes Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, (212-217)
Howard M (2017). Investigating the simulation elements of environment and control, Computers & Education , 109 :C , (216-232), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017 .
Landers R and Armstrong M (2017). Enhancing instructional outcomes with gamification, Computers in Human Behavior , 71 :C , (499-507), Online publication date: 1-Jun-2017 .
Paez N A flipped classroom experience teaching software engineering Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Software Engineering Curricula for Millennials, (16-20)
Matsubara P and da Silva C Game elements in a software engineering study group Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Software Engineering: Software Engineering and Education Track, (160-169)
Gennari R, Melonio A, Raccanello D, Brondino M, Dodero G, Pasini M and Torello S (2017). Children's emotions and quality of products in participatory game design, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies , 101 :C , (45-61), Online publication date: 1-May-2017 .
Magen-Nagar N and Cohen L (2017). Learning strategies as a mediator for motivation and a sense of achievement among students who study in MOOCs, Education and Information Technologies , 22 :3 , (1271-1290), Online publication date: 1-May-2017 .
Peixoto M and Silva C A gamification requirements catalog for educational software Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, (1108-1113)
Sailer M, Hense J, Mayr S and Mandl H (2017). How gamification motivates, Computers in Human Behavior , 69 :C , (371-380), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2017 .
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Martin R, Klein A, Hefner J, Watson C and Basinet K Making and gaming in signal processing classes 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), (1268-1272)
Gennari R, Melonio A and Torello S (2017). Gamified probes for cooperative learning, Multimedia Tools and Applications , 76 :4 , (4925-4949), Online publication date: 1-Feb-2017 .
Padilla J, Lynch C, Diallo S, Gore R, Barraco A, Kavak H and Jenkins B Using simulation games for teaching and learning discrete-event simulation Proceedings of the 2016 Winter Simulation Conference, (3375-3384)
Martí-Parreño J, Méndez-Ibáñez E and Alonso-Arroyo A (2016). The use of gamification in education, Journal of Computer Assisted Learning , 32 :6 , (663-676), Online publication date: 1-Dec-2016 .
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Weir C, Rashid A and Noble J Reaching the masses: a new subdiscipline of app programmer education Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, (936-939)
Tenrio T, Bittencourt I, Isotani S, Pedro A and Ospina P (2016). A gamified peer assessment model for on-line learning environments in a competitive context, Computers in Human Behavior , 64 :C , (247-263), Online publication date: 1-Nov-2016 .
Klock A, Gasparini I and Pimenta M 5W2H Framework Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-10)
Taspinar B, Schmidt W and Schuhbauer H (2016). Gamification in Education, Procedia Computer Science , 99 :C , (101-116), Online publication date: 1-Oct-2016 .
Markopoulos A, Dossis M, Fragkou A and Kasidiaris P Gamifying e-learning as a Means of Overcoming Its Deficiencies Proceedings of the SouthEast European Design Automation, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks and Social Media Conference, (86-91)
Baldeón J, Rodríguez I and Puig A LEGA Proceedings of the XVII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, (1-8)
Cook A, Smith R, Maglaras L and Janicke H Using gamification to raise awareness of cyber threats to critical national infrastructure Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber Security Research 2016, (1-11)
Bossavit B and Parsons S Designing an educational game for and with teenagers with high functioning autism Proceedings of the 14th Participatory Design Conference: Full papers - Volume 1, (11-20)
Maican C, Lixandroiu R and Constantin C (2016). Interactivia.ro – A study of a gamification framework using zero-cost tools, Computers in Human Behavior , 61 :C , (186-197), Online publication date: 1-Aug-2016 .
Villagrá-Arnedo C, Gallego-Durán F, Molina-Carmona R and Llorens-Largo F PLMan: Towards a Gamified Learning System Learning and Collaboration Technologies, (82-93)
Wahlström M and Kuula T Organizational Self-Determination and New Digital Self-Study Applications as Means for Developing Nuclear Power Plant Operation Training Learning and Collaboration Technologies, (650-660)
de-Marcos L, García-López E, García-Cabot A, Medina-Merodio J, Domínguez A, Martínez-Herráiz J and Diez-Folledo T (2016). Social network analysis of a gamified e-learning course, Computers in Human Behavior , 60 :C , (312-321), Online publication date: 1-Jul-2016 .
Vahldick A, Mendes A and Marcelino M Towards a Constructionist Serious Game Engine Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies 2016, (361-368)
Law E, Watkins D, Barwick J and Kirk E An Experiential Approach to the Design and Evaluation of a Gamified Research Tool for Law in Children's Lives Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children, (322-333)
Silpasuwanchai C, Ma X, Shigemasu H and Ren X Developing a Comprehensive Engagement Framework of Gamification for Reflective Learning Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, (459-472)
Bossavit B and Parsons S "This is how I want to learn" Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1294-1299)
da Rocha Seixas L, Gomes A and de Melo Filho I (2016). Effectiveness of gamification in the engagement of students, Computers in Human Behavior , 58 :C , (48-63), Online publication date: 1-May-2016 .
O'Rourke E, Peach E, Dweck C and Popovic Z Brain Points Proceedings of the Third (2016) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, (41-50)
de Santana S, Souza H, Florentin V, Paiva R, Bittencourt I and Isotani S A Quantitative Analysis of the Most Relevant Gamification Elements in an Online Learning Environment Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web, (911-916)
de-Marcos L, Garcia-Lopez E and Garcia-Cabot A (2016). On the effectiveness of game-like and social approaches in learning, Computers & Education , 95 :C , (99-113), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2016 .
Hookham G, Kay-Lambkin F, Blackmore K and Nesbitt K Using startle probe to compare affect and engagement between a serious game and an online intervention program Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, (1-9)
Hookham G, Nesbitt K and Kay-Lambkin F Comparing usability and engagement between a serious game and a traditional online program Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, (1-10)
Noran O On gamification in action learning Proceedings of the Australasian Computer Science Week Multiconference, (1-9)
Molnar A and Kostkova P Interactive Digital Storytelling Based Educational Games Transactions on Edutainment XII - Volume 9292, (1-20)
Leao A Transportation Services Game Revised Selected Papers of the 4th International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance - Volume 9599, (368-374)
da Silva J, de Oliveira E and Barbosa G Characterizing gamification strategies in educational mobile applications Proceedings of the 14th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1-10)
García-Peñalvo F, Hernández-García Á, Conde M, Fidalgo-Blanco Á, Sein-Echaluce M, Alier M, Llorens-Largo F and Iglesias-Pradas S Learning services-based technological ecosystems Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (467-472)
Dodero G, Gennari R and Melonio A PALX: Player and Learner Experience Design Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, (186-187)
Dodero G, Gennari R, Melonio A and Torello S "There Is No Rose Without A Thorn" Proceedings of the 11th Biannual Conference of the Italian SIGCHI Chapter, (10-17)
Villagra-Arnedo C, Gallego-Durán F, Molina-Carmona R and Llorens-Largo F Boosting the Learning Process with Progressive Performance Prediction Design for Teaching and Learning in a Networked World, (638-641)
Wilhelm-Stein T and Eibl M Teaching the IR Process Using Real Experiments Supported by Game Mechanics Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction - Volume 9283, (312-317)
Stiegler A and Zimmermann G Gamification and Accessibility Proceedings, Part I, of the First International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Design for Aging - Volume 9193, (145-154)
Lee M and Ko A Comparing the Effectiveness of Online Learning Approaches on CS1 Learning Outcomes Proceedings of the eleventh annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research, (237-246)
Figueiredo K Gamified Courses in Information Systems Program Proceedings of the annual conference on Brazilian Symposium on Information Systems: Information Systems: A Computer Socio-Technical Perspective - Volume 1, (611-614)
Albayrak O Instructor's acceptance of games utilization in undergraduate software engineering education Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering, (43-49)
Harteveld C and Sutherland S The Goal of Scoring Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (2235-2244)
Cockburn A, Quinn P and Gutwin C Examining the Peak-End Effects of Subjective Experience Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (357-366)
Paiva R, Bittencourt I, da Silva A, Isotani S and Jaques P Improving pedagogical recommendations by classifying students according to their interactional behavior in a gamified learning environment Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (233-238)
Pedro L, Lopes A, Prates B, Vassileva J and Isotani S Does gamification work for boys and girls? Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (214-219)
Hui Gao , Liu C, Wendong Wang , Jianxin Zhao , Zheng Song , Xin Su , Crowcroft J and Leung K (2015). A Survey of Incentive Mechanisms for Participatory Sensing, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials , 17 :2 , (918-943), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2015 .
McKernan B, Martey R, Stromer-Galley J, Kenski K, Clegg B, Folkestad J, Rhodes M, Shaw A, Saulnier E and Strzalkowski T (2015). We don't need no stinkin' badges, Computers in Human Behavior , 45 :C , (299-306), Online publication date: 1-Apr-2015 .
Krause M, Mogalle M, Pohl H and Williams J A Playful Game Changer Proceedings of the Second (2015) ACM Conference on Learning @ Scale, (95-102)
Dichev C, Dicheva D, Angelova G and Agre G (2015). From Gamification to Gameful Design and Gameful Experience in Learning, Cybernetics and Information Technologies , 14 :4 , (80-100), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015 .
Hanus M and Fox J (2015). Assessing the effects of gamification in the classroom, Computers & Education , 80 :C , (152-161), Online publication date: 1-Jan-2015 .
Akbal M, Zehle S and Schmitz M From Technomania to the School of Things Proceedings of the 2014 Workshops on Advances in Computer Entertainment Conference, (1-8)
Alves F and Maciel C Codesign de atividades gamificadas Companion Proceedings of the 13th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (13-16)
Del Fatto V, Dodero G, Gennari R, Melonio A, Montali M, Razniewski S, Torello S, Wang X and Zini F Gamified children universities Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play, (409-410)
Melonio A Gamified co-design with cooperative learning at school Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play, (295-298)
Dodero G, Gennari R, Melonio A and Torello S Towards tangible gamified co-design at school Proceedings of the first ACM SIGCHI annual symposium on Computer-human interaction in play, (77-86)
Gené O, Núñez M and Blanco Á Gamification in MOOC Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (215-220)
Songer R and Miyata K A playful affordances model for gameful learning Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (205-213)
Peham M, Breitfuss G and Michalczuk R The "ecoGator" app Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (179-183)
Villagrasa S, Fonseca D and Durán J Teaching case Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality, (171-177)
Sillaots M Using Avatars for Course Management and Immersion Revised Selected Papers from the Third International Conference on Games and Learning Alliance - Volume 9221, (163-173)
Challco G, Moreira D, Mizoguchi R and Isotani S Towards an Ontology for Gamifying Collaborative Learning Scenarios 12th International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems - Volume 8474, (404-409)
Dodero G, Gennari R, Melonio A and Torello S Gamified co-design with cooperative learning CHI '14 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (707-718)
O'Rourke E, Haimovitz K, Ballweber C, Dweck C and Popović Z Brain points Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (3339-3348)
de Sousa Borges S, Durelli V, Reis H and Isotani S A systematic mapping on gamification applied to education Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, (216-222)
Morrison B and DiSalvo B Khan academy gamifies computer science Proceedings of the 45th ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, (39-44)
Herzig P, Jugel K, Momm C, Ameling M and Schill A GaML - A Modeling Language for Gamification Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, (494-499)
Villagrasa S and Duran J Gamification for learning 3D computer graphics arts Proceedings of the First International Conference on Technological Ecosystem for Enhancing Multiculturality, (429-433)
Westera W Generating Computational Models for Serious Gaming Games and Learning Alliance, (53-63)Malacria S, Scarr J, Cockburn A, Gutwin C and Grossman T Skillometers Proceedings of the 26th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, (321-330)
Rojas D, Kapralos B and Dubrowski A The missing piece in the gamification puzzle Proceedings of the First International Conference on Gameful Design, Research, and Applications, (135-138)
Gibbons T COR Proceedings of the 14th annual ACM SIGITE conference on Information technology education, (77-82)
Ferro L, Walz S and Greuter S Towards personalised, gamified systems Proceedings of The 9th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment: Matters of Life and Death, (1-6)
Lee M, Ko A and Kwan I In-game assessments increase novice programmers' engagement and level completion speed Proceedings of the ninth annual international ACM conference on International computing education research, (153-160)
Holsti L, Takala T, Martikainen A, Kajastila R and Hämäläinen P Body-controlled trampoline training games based on computer vision CHI '13 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, (1143-1148)
Chow J, Feng H, Amor R and Wünsche B Music education using augmented reality with a head mounted display Proceedings of the Fourteenth Australasian User Interface Conference - Volume 139, (73-79)
Gonçalves M, Freitas A, Gonçalves E, Barwaldt R, Machado R, Otero T and Oliveira M Gamification as a Strategy to Improve Students’ Motivation and Engagement in Educational Environments at Engineering Courses: bibliographic 2019 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-5)
Eunsik Kim , Rothrock L and Freivalds A The effects of Gamification on engineering lab activities 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-6)
de Oliveira F and Santos S PBLMaestro: A virtual learning environment for the implementation of problem-based learning approach in Computer education 2016 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), (1-9)