The list below is all 50 States and their postal and standard abbreviations in alphabetical order. Each state has its own unique shortened name codes called state abbreviations used in written documents and mailing addresses.
State abbreviations are in the same format: two letter abbreviations, both letters in uppercase with no periods or spaces between each letter. This format is the official United States Postal Services's postal abbreviation. Standard abbreviations are used in written text or references.
Test your knowledge of the 50 State Abbreviations with the State Abbreviations Quiz.
State | Postal Abbreviation | Standard Abbreviation | |
Alabama | AL | Ala. | |
Alaska | AK | Alaska | |
Arizona | AZ | Ariz. | |
Arkansas | AR | Ark. | |
California | CA | Calif | |
Colorado | CO | Colo. | |
Connecticut | CT | Conn. | |
Delaware | DE | Del. | |
Florida | FL | Fla. | |
Georgia | GA | Ga. | |
Hawaii | HI | Hawaii | |
Idaho | ID | Idaho | |
Illinois | IL | Ill. | |
Indiana | IN | Ind. | |
Iowa | IA | Iowa | |
Kansas | KS | Kan. | |
Kentucky | KY | Ky. | |
Louisiana | LA | La. | |
Maine | ME | Maine | |
Maryland | MD | Md. | |
Massachusetts | MA | Mass. | |
Michigan | MI | Mich. | |
Minnesota | MN | Minn. | |
Mississippi | MS | Miss. | |
Missouri | MO | Mo. | |
Montana | MT | Mont. | |
Nebraska | NE | Neb. | |
Nevada | NV | Nev. | |
New Hampshire | NH | N.H. | |
New Jersey | NJ | N.J. | |
New Mexico | NM | N. Mex. | |
New York | NY | N.Y. | |
North Carolina | NC | N.C. | |
North Dakota | ND | N. Dak. | |
Ohio | OH | Ohio | |
Oklahoma | OK | Okla. | |
Oregon | OR | Oreg | |
Pennsylvania | PA | Pa. | |
Rhode Island | RI | R.I. | |
South Carolina | SC | S.C. | |
South Dakota | SD | S. Dak. | |
Tennessee | TN | Tenn. | |
Texas | TX | Tex. | |
Utah | UT | Utah | |
Vermont | VT | Vt. | |
Virginia | VA | Va. | |
Washington | WA | Wash. | |
West Virginia | WV | W. Va. | |
Wisconsin | WI | Wis. | |
Wyoming | WY | Wyo. |