Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission (MWHC) operates under the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022 (the Act) .

The Act commenced on 1 September 2023, replacing the previous Mental Health Act 2014 .

The objectives of the MHWC under the Act are to:

(a) Ensure the Victorian Government is accountable for:

(b) Support and promote the leadership and participation of people with lived experience in decision-making processes.

(c) P rovide a complaints handling system and promote effective complaint handling by mental health and wellbeing service providers.

(d) Reduce stigma related to mental illness.

(e) P romote, support and protect the rights of consumers, families, carers and supporters.

Under the Act, the MHWC has a range of functions and powers to achieve these objectives including: